Composer & DJ-Producer

Thank You

Thank You

 This page is dedicated to the generous individual supporters of past projects of Gilbert’s music. Thank you very much for your kind, thoughtful, and gracious support!

Mohammed Shaik Hussain Ali, Terrestrial Journeys Album Sponsor

Rodrigo O. Aguilar, Jr.

Brad Brown

Barbara Burch

Armando Castellano

Alaric DeArment

Ellie Dominguez

Gabriela Frank

Bill Harden (2)

Ash Hinojos

Tammy Jasso

Ryan MacGavin (2)

Stephanie Marin

Virginia Natividad (2)

Ian Ng

Michael J.

Sean Shepherd (2)

Mark Siegmund (2)

Cristi and Tarak Stevenson

William A. Verdone

Ámaüry Mondol Viaña

Allison Weissman

Frances White

Becky Wiscombe

Anonymous (2)

Projects funded: The Terrestrial Journeys Album, the Sounding Herald Commission Fund, June 2016 Concert